Huck: I pulled Michael's cell records, did a search for most-called numbers, came up with Phillip. Triangulated the cell phone towers to track him to the vicinity of his office servers and then hacked into their email. How did you find out?
Abby: I listened to all of Leo's voicemails while he was in the bathroom.
Huck: Well, that's one way to do it.

[to Lizzie] We are not partners. We are not friends. You work for me. You fix for me. You don't accuse me. You do not judge me. You most certainly do not lecture me. You are not me. You wish you were me but you can't be me. Remind yourself of that. Do you understand?


Do I have to be here for this? I do have a country to run.


It sounds like a shotgun wedding.
Olivia. It is and you're the pregnant bride.


David: Where are you going?
Huck: Home. I'm going home.

Olivia: It's all in the rear view for me. I need to move forward. I am moving forward.
Cyrus: Moving forward...towards what?

Abby: What happens to you happens to me. I'm good at my job, Leo. I am a lion up there. I own that room. I work for it. I give a strong briefing. And they write about that. They cover the news and there are articles about how well I do at my job. But they also write about me. If I wear lipstick, I'm dolled up. If I don't, I've let myself go. They wonder if I'm trying to bring dresses back and they don't like it when I repeat outfits even though I'm on a government salary. They discuss my hair color. There are anonymous blogs that say I'm too skinny. They have a running joke that I'm on a hunger strike until I'm liberated by the Democrats!
Leo: Abby--
Abby: They also write about you. Every article that comes out about me has your name somewhere in it because apparently there's this rule that in order to write about me they also have to report to the world that there's a man who wants me. My work, my accomplishments, my awards, I stand at the most powerful podium in the world, but a story about me ain't a story unless they report on the fact that I am the girlfriend of 'D.C. fixer Leo Bergen' like it validates me, gives me an identity, a definition. They can't fathom the concept that my life doesn't revolve around you. My life doesn't revolve anywhere near you. It's horrifying. 'Property of Leo Bergen.' Tell me, Leo, when they write about you do they report on your clothes? Do they write about your thighs? There is a difference. There is. So what happens to you happens to me, which is why I'm writing a letter of resignation. Are we done?

Jake: Won't order takeout. I have no idea how she's surviving.
Fitz: Not much of a chef.
Jake: Excellent with a corkscrew.

Mellie: I'm running for Senator of Virginia.
Abby: Well, that's...history making. Good for you. Good for Virginia, ma'am.
Cyrus: You think so, Red?

Huck: Where's Jake?
David: It's just the two of us. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. You can be Newman. I'm fine with Redford.

David: Jake, you gave me those files. You said 'go get the bad guys.'
Jake: Rosen, we are the bad guys.
David: Not anymore.

I fired you. I was right to fire you, and if you can't handle that, if you can't handle me doing my job, me having some power, if dating a woman who's one of the big dogs is too hard for you then I'm fine being dumped.


Scandal Season 4 Quotes

'We'? We're not a team, Liv. You're just Olivia Pope. There is no 'And Associates.' Not anymore.


Do you need to validate your broomstick or can you find your way out on your own?
