Abby: Are you serious? You're stealing my gun.
Harrison: Borrowing it.
Abby: Harrison, you do not need to act all crazy just because everyone else here is. We are the normal ones. You and me. If we need to borrow a gun, we ask. Also, why do you need it?

Mellie: I came up with a list of men. Eligible bachelors. Prominent, smart. Pick one.
Olivia: Pick one?
Mellie: Any one of them, it's an equal opportunity list. Tall, short, black, white, Republican, Democrat. I don't care who, just pick one and start dating him. Publicly. So the everyone can stop thinking that you're screwing my husband. Smile, Olivia. The world is watching.

Olivia: Why are you doing this?
Mellie: Because I like it when my husband is the President. I worked very hard for it. I've done a great deal to get us here, and you are going to get him across the finish line. But you can't do that if people know what kind of person you really are. Cheers!

[to Cyrus] Don't patronize me like I'm some hysterical teenage girl at the beginning of my cycle.


[to Quinn] The great thing about our line of work? Rock solid job stability! As long as people have to live together, someone's gonna pay to have someone else killed! Fact of life.


What is currently happening is that President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III has made an enemy, the worst kind of enemy, because I know all his secrets. I know where every body is buried, and the greatest weapon I can use against him calls me 'Dad.'

Rowan Pope

[to Olivia] You're skipping around in a field full of bombs and mistaking them for daisies.

Rowan Pope

Jake: I came to say good-bye.
Olivia: Jake--
Jake: I loved you. Whatever happens next, I want to make sure you know that I loved you. I love you.

[to James] I'm standing here in my underwear and without my soul and I'm asking you what happens now.


[to Quinn] Liv saves us and you betrayed her. You're not a gladiator anymore.


You're a boy. You've been coddled and cared for, pampered and hugged. For you it's always summertime and the living's easy. Daddy's rich and your mama's good looking! You're a Grant! You've got money in your blood. You are a boy. I am a man.


We are the devil. I am actually the should have seen me handle it. There's a dead closeted hillbilly on the floor and there I am, 'give me your sin, Sally', without blinking. The devil is at the top of his game.


Scandal Season 3 Quotes

Olivia: You shouldn't be here?
David: Why? Because I'm the US Attorney for the District of Columbia and may be asked to investigate the President's affair with you? I left that hat at the door.

[to Olivia] I am a monster, but honey, I am your monster.
