Liv, I am going to marry you. We are going to have babies. Two babies, I think.


Jake: Rosen, I killed three people right in front of you. I am not a good guy.
David: Deep down, I think you are.

I do not like him, but Olivia, I do love you, and I want you to have everything, everything you deserve. So when I say I wish I could help, I do wish I could help. I wish I could help you.


Olivia: We're gonna lose the election on Tuesday.
Cyrus: Let's be honest. We lost the election today.

Huck: It wasn't safe.
Quinn: It was safer than bringing along two bickering little bitches. What do you want Huck?

Fitz: I've been a bad boy.
Olivia: Don't be cute. You're putting yourself and everyone else in this auditorium at risk.
Fitz: The Secret Service went over every inch of this building with a fine-tooth comb.
Olivia: I'm trying to save your life.
Mellie: If we're going to die can we do it now so I don't have to listen to you two?

Jake: Tell me.
Olivia: I love him. Fitz. I love him. And I felt something with you last night and that feels like betrayal.
Jake: It feels like a first step.

[to Olivia] Tell me you felt it, too. Tell me I'm not crazy. Tell me you felt it, too.


Jake: That wasn't you handling me, that was us.
Olivia: I don't know what you expect me to say.

I have kept this secret for 15 years. I have lost my life for 15 years. I have lived this lie for 15 years and all the while I have watched him walk away from me. I have been destroyed while I have made him President. It is my turn! He suffers. He hurts. He burns. I'm tired of carrying the cross. Let him pick it up now.


I want his head in the fire and I want to see him burn. I want to hand him the one piece of news that will destroy him and I want to watch his face when it happens.


Harrison: Papa Pope. That's okay, right? I can call you Papa...
Rowan: No.

Scandal Season 3 Quotes

[to her mother] I work. I have a life. There's not much to tell.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
