David: How much do I owe you?
Olivia: What?
David: For your services? Or did you take a commission when I sold my soul to the Devil?

[to Cyrus] Are we done discussing your hurt feelings? Because I'd like to get back to saving American lives.


Olivia: Work helps. So does exercise. Stuff that numbs you, keeps you from thinking too much. Dating also helps, but, it also helps to remember that he hates you and it helps to try to hate him too.
Abby: And that works?
Olivia: I was talking about you and David.

Mellie: He can play with that baby for hours. I don't know how he does it. I don't have the patience.
Cyrus: Me either.

I think he knows. I think he knows what we did. I'm pretty sure...I haven't slept in ten months. I have our last conversation on a loop in my head. I think he knows what we did, Cyrus.


What do you think she wanted from me? That we faked the moon landing? That a Starbucks tall is really a small? She wanted Defiance, Liv.


Fitz: Cyrus, you're in my bathroom.
Cyrus: Yes, sir, Mr. President, and I'm as unhappy about that as you are.

Olivia: I'll wait for you, Fitz. For as long as you need.
Fitz: I changed my mind about that. Don't wait for me.

Olivia: I don't want normal, and easy, and simple. I want..
Edison: What? What do you want, Olivia?
Olivia: I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love. Don't you want that, too?
Edison: Love is not supposed to be painful or devastating. Love isn't supposed to hurt, Liv.

Huck: If I kill Hollis Doyle for you, you can't come back here. You can't work for Pope and Associates anymore. You can't be a gladiator.
Quinn: Why not?
Huck: Because you want Hollis dead for revenge and we don't do revenge. We solve problems. So you can be Lindsey Dwyer and get revenge on Hollis or you can be Quinn Perkins and move on with your life. You can't have your new life and also keep your old life. It doesn't work that way. So which is it?

Quinn: Is that enough? $5,000. Is that enough to kill someone?
Huck: No. But I'll do it for free if you want.
Quinn: You will?
Huck: I will.

Abby: You love me.
David: I love you.

Scandal Season 2 Quotes

Abby: It makes no sense. Do you buy it?
Harrison: I question she's lying about her alibi, but I have a hard time buying her as some Unabomber freak who could mix Clorox and toothpaste and blow up half an office park. No offense, Huck.
Huck: None taken.

Quinn: I went home and my apartment was surrounded, cops and FBI agents taking out all my stuff. A woman standing outside told me that a girl who lived there blew up a building and killed seven people.
Harrison: If you were innocent, you could've just called a lawyer.
Abby: You did work with a bunch of them. Also, I hear they're in the phone book.