So, if you knew something that would really hurt me, would you lie?


No. I'm not an escort! I'm just a regular guy who went crazy for a couple days. And got paid for it.


Simon: What did you do to my contacts? I can't access them online anymore. That's my livelihood man. What are you tryin' to do to me here?
Neil: Same thing you did to my wife, I think.

What about us? Are we gonna work out? I don't know, I'm scared Neil. I don't know what's happening to us.


You know, oh, hey, of course, I could just take anti-depressents, be another zombie walking around just trying to pay his mortgage, or oh! Pour my passions into a home theater system, but what's the point? I mean, who wants to live like that? [Call-Me ringtone]


Monk: All of your answers are right here.
Neil: Seriously? My entire life just went Enron and that's your answer? A flower?
Monk: [laughs] Um, respectfully, what I see is that you're the one who's crazy. Now I read your story about the Buddha leaving his family. It's insane! You know if people like me just gave up everything, I'd be certifiable.

Believe me, when all of this is said and done, you don't want to just throw everything away over a few orgasms, OK?


Neil: Are you married? How would you know?
Simon: No. But I've slept with a lot more married women than you ever will, though.

Simon: Yeah. It's a professional arrangement, OK? Your wife pays me.
Neil: What, for sex?
Simon: Hey, if it helps, she told me that she was happily married and I know the ones that aren't.
Neil: My wife is seeing a hooker!

Grace: I've never been in a bar fight before. You know in college, I studied so much I never went out to clubs. I was kind of a geek.
Policeman: I'm sorry to hear that.

That was it. That one simple moment. Everything that had been bottled up inside me; fear, the frustration, the uncertainty, just melted away and I was overcome with this sudden sense of clarity, courage and that's when I decided I would not be quiet any more, do what was expected of me, surrender to some sort of pathetic middle-aged anxiety and I realized that I was the one who built this prison I was in. I was going to take back control of my life and set myself free. Have you ever had that kind of experience?


We need a vacation. At a beach somewhere. Far away.


Satisfaction Season 1 Quotes

I don't know what to say because I hate this job. None of what I do really matters. I don't even get to see what I'm trading on a daily basis, it's just numbers on a screen. It's not real. We don't contribute anything to the world in any meaningful way. We just hoard money, and I always thought you were an asshole for making that a virtue.


I think the problem is I need to feel more right now, not less.
