Liz: You just worked so hard to rebuild your life. I want you to actually get to live it.
Rosa: Yeah, and you don't want to talk about Deputy Vanilla. Come on. Is that door really closed?
Liz: If my crazy science works, then I am never gonna have to worry about Max or his stupid miracle DNA ever again.

Max: What did he tell you?
Michael: What we've always known. I'm the tyrant. You're the savior.

Maria: Someone could die, Kyle!
Kyle: Yeah! You.

Kyle: Long, you need to do the things you used to do. Spend time with the people you know.
Wyatt: I thought I knew her. She brought me here.
Kyle: Your friends aren't hard to find. Just look for any dick waving a Confederate flag.

Michael: Noah was bad. Jones is worse. For once, we have the upper-hand. So let's go find out where we came from and save Max's stupid life again.
Isobel: We are in literal alien territory right now, Michael. We need to keep our guards up. Let him reveal his strategy and then use it against him. Checkmate.

Welcome to Deep Sky, Alex.


Isobel: Can you heal him?
Jones: I don't know. I'm not exactly in fighting shape.
Isobel: Do you want to?
Jones: I traveled across the galaxy to save that kid. I told myself if I could do right by him, maybe it would erase everything I've done. Ain't nothing changed.

Your abilities are the only ones that don't have limits. You really never noticed that?

Maria [to Michael]

Isobel: Just because you don't want to believe him, doesn't mean he's not telling the truth.
Michael: And you think the truth is that our mothers made Max.
Isobel: Well someone did. So why not let discount Max tell us his version and go from there.

Forrest: Think of it like the Pentagon. The deeper you go, the more answers you find.
Alex: You afraid I won't be able to resist those answers.
Forrest: If you go deep, you'll be cut off from everyone. And I don't want to lose you to them.

Michael: Is something weird going on with Max lately?
Isobel: Weirder than him having an evil twin hidden in the desert?
Michael: He seems fun.
Isobel: Are you sure this isn't misplaced nerves about Alex coming home? Because in last nights mindscape you were sending out some pretty intense 'I think it's our times' vibes.

Liz: Is it really fair to some new guy if I keep looking over my shoulder hoping that Max is going to show up?
Kyle: He's not coming, Liz. I know that's tough to hear, but if you've got your life on hold for him, he's moved on.

Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Quotes

Michael: Is something weird going on with Max lately?
Isobel: Weirder than him having an evil twin hidden in the desert?
Michael: He seems fun.
Isobel: Are you sure this isn't misplaced nerves about Alex coming home? Because in last nights mindscape you were sending out some pretty intense 'I think it's our times' vibes.

Isobel: Max! What did he do to you?
Max: He, uh, he told me he's the savior, and I'm the clone.