Somehow, the year is 1955. Somehow Archie Andrews and all of his friends, me included, are teenagers again. And I’m the only one who remembers what our lives were like “B.C.” Before the comet.


Betty: I know I said I wanted to wait, but will you marry me?
Archie: Are you serious?
Betty: As serious as a comet hurdling towards Riverdale.
Archie: Yes. Yes! I’ll marry you.

Veronica: Don’t worry, Cheryl. I will be transferring our powers to you via a kiss.
Cheryl: A, that’s queer-baiting. And B, won’t your poison kiss kill me?
Veronica: A, it’s not queer-baiting; it’s saving the world. And B, pretty sure your phoenix power trumps my poison power.

Oh my god! Sorry, Daddy, I just figured out a way to save my friends!


Archie: Toni, Anthony is baby.
Toni: Right now, he is. But we’ve had the privilege of seeing Anthony in the future, and he’s a warrior, Archie. What if Tabitha speeds up time, just for Baby Anthony? Ages him up. We would miss his childhood, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. Percival would never see it coming.
Reggie: Damn, that’s some looper-level crap.

[Chainsaw raging] Come get some!


Jughead: You know I’ve been looking forward to this. A test of our mental prowess. Must have I admire your hubris, and while your psychic abilities have been impressive, you’ll never break into my mind.
Percival Pickens: We’ll see about that. I’m a believer in beginner’s luck.

Our villain’s name is Percival Pickens. He’s an immortal, interdimensional sorcerer whose power is growing by the hour. He wants to claim Riverdale or destroy it depending on the outcome of a war we’re pre-destined to lose.


I want a land that I rule as I see fit. Where my enemies are at my mercy. I want a land controlled by the dark arts, free from the laws that stifle the rest of this country. The Sovereign State of Percival! That’s what I want Riverdale to be. A wild untamed land where I control it all, every last bit. Even the dead.

Percival Pickens

What are you, a wizard? Is everyone in this universe a wizard?


Betty: I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry for everything. I’m so sorry for the fight that we had. That I wasn’t a better sister to you, and that I wasn’t able to protect you or save you.
Polly: Betty, none of that matters now. All of that pain, all of that suffering just fell away.

Percival Pickens: I was among those early settlers.
Alice: How was that possible?
Percival Pickens: Patience, Alice. All will be revealed in time.

Riverdale Quotes

What is a "Chock'lit Shoppe" and why does it sell burgers?!


Our story is about a town; a small town and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the, decent, innocent. Get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is "Riverdale".
