Narcisse: I know this is where you come to pick those wild raspberries that John likes so much.
Lola: Because you had me followed.
Narcisse: No, because I pay attention. And because I love you. Maybe Catherine is coming for us, but if you and I have to pay her price for being together, then why don't we together.

Mary: You and I are...we're not just royalty. We're more than an alliance. We're different. We love each other.
Francis: And we always will.

Mary: Stop being so strong, so perfect, worrying about me when you...when we...
Francis: I don't know how much time we have left, but every moment matters. It always did, I just...I didn't see it before.

Lola: I am yours this night.
Narcisse: No, not like this. I am going to marry you, and I can promise you that it is not a mistake because we are right for each other. You don't see it, but I do. And I am prepared to wait til you see it too.

[to Lola] You do not need to seduce a man who already wants you.


[to Elizabeth] Men don't like taking orders from women. They can barely stand speaking to them. You are nobody's first choice, yet here you are.


Reign Season 3 Quotes

[to Elizabeth] Men don't like taking orders from women. They can barely stand speaking to them. You are nobody's first choice, yet here you are.


Mary: Francis, we have more important things to do than make love or build boats.
Francis: We? You have been no help with the boat at all.