Well, now I guess I'd like to think that the princess pointed to the lady because I'm starting to that love might mean wanting the other person to be happy even if that means that they can't stay with you.


Pete: You just got to keep on walking, Sheldon.
Violet: Excuse me?
Pete: You know what I'm saying? She's like a dog with a bone. She won't stop, so at some point, you've just got to keep on walking.

Violet: Cooper's going to be a great dad!
Charlotte: That is a stupid thing to say.

The minute I saw him I knew. I mean... he's a Mini Cooper.


Private Practice Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

The minute I saw him I knew. I mean... he's a Mini Cooper.


Violet: Cooper's going to be a great dad!
Charlotte: That is a stupid thing to say.