Imogen: I saw her. This bloody, horrorfying face. A face I never want to see again.
Johnny: Jesus.
Imogen: I know it's crazy, but Johnny, I want to go back out there, Make sure she's not there.
Johnny: You want me to come with you?
Imogen: No. No, I need to do this on my own.

Imogen: God, Tabby, are Summer flings meant to be this terrifying?
Tabby: Definitely not, but I think we, of all people, are justified in having our guards up.

Imogen: You did the right thing, Tabby. If you ever get uncomfortable, no matter what the situation, you should always gp. Leave. Immediately.
Tabby: God, when am I going to be able to just like a guy? Date a guy. Without having PTSD?
Imogen: Right there with you.

Imogen, due respect, get over yourself. It's summer. I'm single. I'm hot. I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now and just because you're some kind of prude, don't ice my game.


Wait. When did you guys go to a creepy cabin in the woods and why wasn't I invited?


Please don't break up with me because I'm insane.


Trial night with our bullies. Chip was tied up. The knife was right there. I should've carved that "A" into his chest. Branded him.


Dr. Sullivan: Remember the first couple you selected for adoption? At the last minute, you called it off.
Imogen: Because I got a weird vibe from that Ezra dude.
Dr. Sullivan: I remember. And they also lived further away in Rosewood.

Mouse: Apparently, at 12:01 am, the time of Angela's death, if you look into a mirror, one that Angela also looked into, and say "Bloody Rose Waters" five times, she'll materialize.

Mouse: Hello?
Bloody Rose Waters: Hope you've been studying.
Mouse: What? Who is this?
Bloody Rose Waters: You know who I am.
Mouse: What do you want?
Bloody Rose Waters: Save your breath. You'll need it.

A man has needs, Kelly. Especially a man with as much pent-up testosterone as Greg does. I mean, what do you think happens when a guy can't release as God intended? But don't worry. That's where I come in.


Imogen: Guys, I'm flailing. Clearly. I mean, I'm having hallucinations.
Mouse: What kind of hallucinations?
Imogen: Bloody Rose. My mom. Both.
Mouse: My lola said she saw her too.

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Quotes

Dr. Sullivan: Remember the first couple you selected for adoption? At the last minute, you called it off.
Imogen: Because I got a weird vibe from that Ezra dude.
Dr. Sullivan: I remember. And they also lived further away in Rosewood.

Mouse: Apparently, at 12:01 am, the time of Angela's death, if you look into a mirror, one that Angela also looked into, and say "Bloody Rose Waters" five times, she'll materialize.