Wait. When did you guys go to a creepy cabin in the woods and why wasn't I invited?


Imogen: Guys, I'm flailing. Clearly. I mean, I'm having hallucinations.
Mouse: What kind of hallucinations?
Imogen: Bloody Rose. My mom. Both.
Mouse: My lola said she saw her too.

A man has needs, Kelly. Especially a man with as much pent-up testosterone as Greg does. I mean, what do you think happens when a guy can't release as God intended? But don't worry. That's where I come in.


Mouse: Hello?
Bloody Rose Waters: Hope you've been studying.
Mouse: What? Who is this?
Bloody Rose Waters: You know who I am.
Mouse: What do you want?
Bloody Rose Waters: Save your breath. You'll need it.

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Wait. When did you guys go to a creepy cabin in the woods and why wasn't I invited?


Imogen: Guys, I'm flailing. Clearly. I mean, I'm having hallucinations.
Mouse: What kind of hallucinations?
Imogen: Bloody Rose. My mom. Both.
Mouse: My lola said she saw her too.