Tommy: Who told you that I was behind this? Was it your father? Answer me.
Claudia: It doesn't matter.
Tommy: You might wanna consider your source.
Claudia: And you should watch your back.

Tommy: I asked you to do one motherfucking thing for me. One.
JP: I know.
Tommy: No you don't! Otherwise, you wouldn't have opened up this fucking box. You don't know what the fuck you just did.
JP: I did what I thought was right.
Tommy: You did what you thought was right for you!

Paulie: You hit the Serbs again, Walter, it's gonna mean an all-out fucking war.
Walter: I'm gonna fucking annihilate the Serbs. And Tommy Egan.

Claudia: I can't believe Gloria's dead.
Walter: It's a fucking tragedy.
Claudia: He really loved her, Da.
Walter: I know that.

Claudia: I'm a little bit uneasy with how much power you have in our operation.
Tommy: Don't mistake power for vision. I ain't your father.
Claudia: You're acting like it.
Tommy: We got a good thing going here, Claud. Don't fuck it up cuz you got your feelings hurt.

Maybe they don't want to get involved cause of how you fucking treat them. How far you think you can push em before they don't wanna come back?

Paulie [to Walter]

JP: Tommy. You should really call our mom.
Tommy: I'm not gonna call Kate.

Nah, but for real though, D. CBI started with you. It's gonna end with you. Long as I can play a small part somewhere in the middle, it's a blessing dog.


JP: Why are you looking at me like that?
Tommy: I'm thinking.
JP: It looks painful.
Tommy: If you only knew.

Paulie: You opened the gates of hell, Walter.
Walter: Good thing I'm the devil.

Liliana: I told you you couldn't fucking trust her.
Tommy: Yeah. We still need her for now.

Tommy: I'm not sorry for what I said. But the way I said it? I coulda done better with that. And I know that shit from Dr. Phil.
JP: Is this an apology or...?
Tommy: I can't apologize for who I am or what I do, JP. Also, Dr. Phil.