Angel: You were lying.
Stan: I'm not lying.
Angel: Did you shoot your load with your wife earlier? No room for seconds with your mistress?
Stan: Angel, what's wrong? You're acting crazy. Are you drunk?
Angel: Aahh-naah. I want to know the truth. Just say it. You're more attracted to her than you are to me. She must have those nice round hips after havin' those babies, right?
Stan: Come on, baby. Come on. It's just the booze. It's just the booze. Come on.
Angel: No.

Blanca: You should have heard them talking, like not knowing is an okay thing.
Pray: They're young.
Blanca: That's my point. They don't know shit about shit. It's my job to teach them. What's the point in being their mother if I can't teach them to do to protect them from the one thing we all know is comin'.
Pray: Then tell them to be careful.
Blanca: They're kids! Most of the grown men we know aren't careful. They gotta get checked and not just for their sake. They need to know so they don't hurt nobody else.
Pray: I stopped getting tested.
Blanca: What?
Pray: After Custus got sick and I saw how the AZT made him sicker. He's not the first. I know about five people where the drugs killed them before the virus did.
Blanca: You don't know that.
Pray: I know that Ronald Reagan will not say the word AIDS. Health insurance will not cover any treatment. The world wants us dead. They don't think this is a plague. They think it's some sort of devine justice or Darwin's answer for sodomy.

Elektra: You have helped me live my dreams.
Dick: So then why would you want to change what we have? Do you understand how weird this is? Now, when I met you, you were dancing for chasers for dollars in that cum-stained shithole that I took you out of. And I gave you a life -- look at me. And I gave you a life, a real life, and now you repay me this way?
Elektra: I'm 40-years-old, Dick, and I see things as they are, too. You think I'm not aware that you'll trade me in for some young knock-off one day. That is why I must do this. For me. For my future.
Dick: Well, if that future involves this procedure, it obviously doesn't include me.

Angel: You got another?
Candy: You come to rub salt in my wounds?
Angel: No.
Candy: I don't need your sympathy.
Angel: Why you gotta be like this? I'm comin' out here tryin' to be friendly and you actin' like I got some type of alterior motive. Just because we in different houses doesn't mean I don't got feelings for you when you get clocked like that. We all been there.
Candy: Not you. You pass. The most out of any bitch in that place.

Helena: I have two tools I use to get students to reach their potential. Encouragement and shame. Taking you to the ballet/ That was encouragement. But that didn't work, so now I'm moving on to shame. I took a chance on you, and I don't care if you think you're the next Alvin Ailey. You will never know if you don't ever have any respect for me or this place or yourself.
Damon: I love this place. It's everything to me. But weren't you the one who told me to go out into the world and explore my own artistry, and find my own voice?
Helena: Greatness comes from suffering. From failing, over and over until you bleed and cry. And finally something inside just cracks open.
Damon: I've got time.
Helena: Time is not your friend. It's comin' for you. For all of us. It shows no mercy and it always wins. And then you're gone. Forgotten.
Damon: I'm really sorry.

Damon: Papi. That's not what I choreographed. You look like a gremlin.
Papi: I ain't a dancer.
Damon: It's like this: If you are going to win at snowball, and we are all walking as a house, you have to do it like this because that's the way to win, okay? So just watch me.

Blanca: You think this is the first time since I've been diagnosed that I've had to talk about somebody dying of this plague? Don't you dare treat me as delicate.
Pray: The worst part is that I'm used to it by now. Do you know how many boyfriends I've seen go in there over the last four years? How are we supposed to get invested in someone if they can be gone a week later.
Blanca: As if this life wasn't hard enough.

Blanca: How could you discriminate against me in my own community?
Mitchell: This bar is called Boy Lounge. We have a specific clientele. Gay, under 35 --
Lulu: White?!
Mitchell: Frankly, yes. The New York City night life is segregated. Look, I've got a friend. She works at the Cubby Hole. I'll call her. You guys can go and drink free all night.
Blanca: But I don't want that scene tonight --
Mitchell: I'm sorry, I'm not throwing a costume party.
Blanca: Oh this is not over.
Lulu: Bitch it was over before it started. Everybody needs somebody to make themselves feel superior. That line ends with us though. This shit runs downhill, past the women, the blacks, latins, gays, until it reaches the bottom and lands on our kind.

Stan: Why are you here? This place isn't right for you.
Angel: I make $125 a night here, and no one touches me. Don't you want me to be safe?
Stan: I get jealous. With so many men seeing you like this. Does that make you mad?
Angel: Do I look like a kept woman to you? A kept woman would be in a high rise apartment in Riverdale with a refrigerator full of groceries. And a mink coat in her closet.
Stan: Do you ever do things with guys here?
Angel: Sweetheart, a lady never tells. And I'm not appreciating your attitude. Especially considering this is the first time I'm seeing you in three weeks.
Stan: I can't stop thinking about you. At work, when I'm in bed with my wife. I drive by the piers almost every night but I get too scared to pull over.
Angel: Scared of what?
Stan: I don't like you in a place like this.

Blanca: Did your daddy ever give you the talk?
Damon: The talk?
Blanca: The birds and the bees.
Damon: Yeah, he did. It was really awful. He was sayin' all this stuff about women's anatomy, and things like that. The whole time I was thinking this is not the information I need to get. Like sweet baby Jesus, this is not helping me. But I couldn't ask him the questions I really wanted to know, which was about what men to together and stuff. Or I'd be found out. I was afraid he'd kill me.
Blanca: Well, here's what no one will tell you but me. Gay life is hard. Here.
Damon: I don't need these. I don't plan on having sex with Ricky.
Blanca: Oh child, no one ever plans on having sex. And I can't be your mother and your conscience. I'm not always going to be here to protect you. You are a good looking young man. And soon, you are going to want to start exploring. But you gotta make smart choices.

Ricky: You wanna go grab a slice or somethin'? On me.
Damon: You mean like a date?
Ricky: I mean, I'm smart, and cute, and cute, and I smell good. You could do a lot worse.
Damon: Okay, but... can we go sit at dinner and talk first? I mean, isn't that what you're supposed to do on a date?

Pose Season 1 Quotes

Blanca: Did your daddy ever give you the talk?
Damon: The talk?
Blanca: The birds and the bees.
Damon: Yeah, he did. It was really awful. He was sayin' all this stuff about women's anatomy, and things like that. The whole time I was thinking this is not the information I need to get. Like sweet baby Jesus, this is not helping me. But I couldn't ask him the questions I really wanted to know, which was about what men to together and stuff. Or I'd be found out. I was afraid he'd kill me.
Blanca: Well, here's what no one will tell you but me. Gay life is hard. Here.
Damon: I don't need these. I don't plan on having sex with Ricky.
Blanca: Oh child, no one ever plans on having sex. And I can't be your mother and your conscience. I'm not always going to be here to protect you. You are a good looking young man. And soon, you are going to want to start exploring. But you gotta make smart choices.

Ricky: You wanna go grab a slice or somethin'? On me.
Damon: You mean like a date?
Ricky: I mean, I'm smart, and cute, and cute, and I smell good. You could do a lot worse.
Damon: Okay, but... can we go sit at dinner and talk first? I mean, isn't that what you're supposed to do on a date?