Sorry Mike, you played your last game for the Padres.


Mike: I got scratched?
Al: I went looking for ya.
Mike: Because of the deal?

Blip: You okay?
Ginny: He's walking out on us.
Blip: You almost did. Forget about your first start? "Get me out the damn game?" Mike didn't quit on you did he? I'm not happy about this either but you know that old saying that there's no"I" in team? Don't believe it. There's 25 of them all with their own lives and their own problems.
Ginny: He's leaving this team in good hands.

Amelia: Evelyn, hey, your hair looks great straight like that.
Evelyn: Its always like that.

Can't we just get through one game without any drama?


Oscar: Hey, how we feeling about Livan?
Al: I feel great about Livan with Mike Lawson on the team, and terrified about Livan without Mike.
Oscar: Why?
Buck: How much time ya got?

Amelia: Does Will have that kind of capital?
Ginny: I wrote him a check.
Amelia: For how much?
Ginny: None of your business.

Amelia: So the rumor's true? Are you really leaving?
Mike: You tell me, you claim to know everything.
Amelia: Whatever, just let Ginny know if you know.
Mike: Why? I don't owe anyone an explanation, a goodbye or a go to hell.

Evelyn: What?! You turned him down? A billionaire?
Ginny: I barely had time for this dinner.
Blip: Ginny, you need to get some...what I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun or at least release some stress.

Ready for the screwball? Also, would love to take you to dinner.


Amelia: Is he hitting on her?
Will: Definitely. Don't worry, she can handle herself.

Ginny: I can't tell you how annoying it is. To turn on the tv and hear all these talking heads going on and on about you. Everywhere I go its Mike-o-mania. It's like no one else plays on this team.
Mike:[chuckles] Mike-o-mania, huh?
Ginny: Nothing catchy goes with Lawson.

Pitch Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Ginny: I can't tell you how annoying it is. To turn on the tv and hear all these talking heads going on and on about you. Everywhere I go its Mike-o-mania. It's like no one else plays on this team.
Mike:[chuckles] Mike-o-mania, huh?
Ginny: Nothing catchy goes with Lawson.

Oh God, I hope you weren't doing anything gross in here.
