You think you can get along with your Justin Bieber hairdo and your Invisalign braces? Well guess what? Puberty is going to set in and it's going to set in ugly... Be a friend. Be a friend, not a bully. Have a good day!


You killed her!


Joel: You know what? We're going to get another baby and we'll start over. This one's a bust.
Julia: Babe, that's not funny!
Joel: It's pretty funny.

Drew is old enough to stay in the house by himself, needless to say. So, if you think otherwise then you're going to have to talk to Drew about it.


No phone. No Internet. No Amy.


No, I think they're just amazed at how amazing I am at solving these problems.


You know I don't want to play stupid charades. I never want to play another Braverman game again!


Kristina: I was standing next to that goddess that you hired and I started leaking.
Adam: What, breast milk?
Kristina: No, oil. Yes breast milk!

We're going to be standing next to 20 year olds in like size zeros, so you need to bring out the big guns.


It's just to see Seth become the man I always thought he could be all those years; is kind of moving. And, I do picture it.


If we don't want to confuse the elderly, I mean, we could just tell that you are - my girlfriend, if you want.


Sarah: Now I know what to get your for housewarming.
Seth: What?
Sarah: Anything.

Parenthood Season 3 Quotes

We haven't had a single interview in six months. We need Gaga.


Oh man, this baby's pushing on my bladder like you wouldn't believe. I need an adult diaper.
