Murtagh: Jamie's in a cheery mood.
Claire: Yes. I told him Black Jack Randall is still alive. I don't know what you were so worried about.

Claire: Does this make us bad people?
Jamie: The way I see it, we're doing a bad thing for a good reason.
Claire: Isn't that what all bad people say?

Jamie: Remember I told you I was lost?
Claire: You were trying to hide under a blade of grass.
Jamie: Well, I think perhaps you've built me a lean-to, at least.

Shhh. Come find me, Jamie. Come find me. Find us.


So you had to start yourself up with a whore before you could stand to be with me?


Claire: Jack Randall is alive. I met his brother, Alex, on our first visit to Versailles. He works for the Duke. He said that Randall was injured while on duty, and that he was very much alive.
Jamie: This is wonderful news. Why did you wait until now to tell me?

Well, I am an unusual lady. At least I used to be.


To Mother Hildegard, without who our enemies would remain unknown to us. To my wife, who is always there when I need her.


So tell me, how will lancing boils and tasting urine help us to save Scotland?


Claire: I don't suppose you ever thought of birth control?
Murtagh: Control?
Claire: Never mind. I'll pick up something for Suzette.

Duverney: You know, James, if you desire my help, it would not be a bad idea to lose a game once in a while.
Jamie: I respect you too much to allow such a cheap victory.
Duverney: I give you permission to respect me less.

What is politics but chess on a grand scale?


Outlander Season 2 Quotes

You have had an extraordinary adventure, Claire. Extraordinary. One that few people could even imagine. Treasure it. Keep it safe and secure, tucked away in some special place in your heart. Don't spend the rest of your days chasing a ghost, not when there's a man, a real, flesh and blood living man, who loves you still with all his heart.

Mrs. Graham

Oh. Frank. Hello. I'm back.
