But I am, like, sick of being yanked around by my brain at this point -- chain at this point.


I think we have two factions of Neos with competing technologies, bots versus clones. And if we are not careful we are gonna get screwed again.

Mrs. S

Technology is subject to natural selection too, Evie. It changes. It adapts. You're an engineer, you know that. Shh, shh. You built it. Let it take you.

Dr. Ian

You want for me to kill this Evie Cho?


Donnie: Allison thinks we've been hiding out long enough. I don't think the frontier life agrees with her.
Helena: She has the shits.

Scott: Cosima is cut off in a Neolution power vacuum and he calls in a beautician?
Hell Wizard: Sweet move, right?

Krystal: OK, are you, like, blind? 'Cuz this girl looks nothing like me. Like, first of all, my tits are way bigger, and secondly, even if you could drag a comb through that hair, she's like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a 10.
Sarah: 7?
Felix: She has a point about your hair.

Krystal: I'm sorry, who are you again?
Sarah: I'm Sarah, I'm your clone.
Krystal: Right, whatever.

Controlling evolution is the ultimate power.


Ira: Who is this?
Ferdinand: Hello.
Rachel: He's just a toy.
Ira: He has his socks on.
Rachel: What do you want, Ira?

You are betraying me. You are betraying your sisters and you are betraying yourself.

Susan [to Rachel]

You're not immune to me, you cockroach.

Rachel [to Sarah]

Orphan Black Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

I think we have two factions of Neos with competing technologies, bots versus clones. And if we are not careful we are gonna get screwed again.

Mrs. S

But I am, like, sick of being yanked around by my brain at this point -- chain at this point.
