Felix: When did you become such an old fart, Kira Manning?
Kira: Hm, I suppose the 20 years of intensive therapy it took for me to get over my childhood gave me a taste for being a little boring.

Felix: I've just flown in from New York, and the bags under your eyes wouldn't fit in the overhead bins.
Kira: Hello, Uncle Felix.
Felix: Hello, Monkey.

Craig: She never got over you.
Lucy: I bet she wrote a shit ton of poems about it.
Craig: So many.

Kira: How is Mom?
Felix: Couldn't be happier working at the shelter. Helping women. She's practically like Mother Teresa, if Mother Teresa had discovered she was part of a human cloning experiment gone wrong.

Felix: Free champagne and street drugs for everyone.
Kira: Street trucks? Like cocaine?
Felix: Have you got a taste for nose candy now? Ugh, how very midlife crisis of you.
Kira: No, it's not for me.
Felix: Is it for Lucas? I always wanted a sun I could buy drugs for.

Jules: You think losing your parents, everything you know, is convenient?
Craig: What do you mean, everything you know?
Jules: I lost my memory in the crash, too.
Lucy: I didn't have my memory either when I was made

Mr. Darros: Emily, you are looking at the last Hawkstail tortoises on Earth. We're saving them from the brink of extinction. See, these orchids, they feed on them, and it makes them more virile
Tom: Huh. Maybe I should eat orchids.
Mr. Darros: Orchids wouldn't help you, Tom.

Jules: Let me out of the car right now! Where are you taking me?
Lucy: Stop pretending! If you don't know anything, then why are they watching you?
Jules: Nobody's watching me.
Lucy: Then why is there a woman stationed outside of your building with a gun? Who does she work for? A woman who knows my name!

Jack: Why was it so hard for you in the city? What happened there?
Lucy: It's just not even really worth talking about.
Jack: So you've said.
Lucy: It was just a rough year. I was just lost till I came here. Till I met you.
Jack: My mystery woman.

Lucy: You know, this is probably a weird question.
Dr. Palmer: That's fine.
Lucy: If I wanted to know if I had had a baby, is that something you could tell from these tests?
Dr. Palmer: Not with any certainty, no. Is that something you are unsure of?

Lucy: Before I met you, I had a very different life, and it is so fucking complicated, but it has come back for me.
Jack: Did you do something?
Lucy: No, no, no. The people that are looking for me are dangerous. They were after me for a year. They got close a few times, but I thought I was off their radar. I thought I was safe. I thought we were safe.

Feels like we've been through this before though, doesn't it? You living on the street high as a kite. Couldn't remember your own name as I recall. Only thing you wanted to do was find out who you were. All that did was get you in trouble.


Orphan Black: Echoes Quotes

Jack: Why was it so hard for you in the city? What happened there?
Lucy: It's just not even really worth talking about.
Jack: So you've said.
Lucy: It was just a rough year. I was just lost till I came here. Till I met you.
Jack: My mystery woman.

Lucy: What is this?
Kira: This isn't how I wanted you--.
Lucy: What is this?!
Kira: You were created -- you were printed from a high-resolution scan using a very complex process.