Celibacy. Because living in a Spanish soap opera is overrated and a little bit humiliating, actually.


This feels familiar doesn't it? Me lying in this bed, you extracting creatures from my flesh. It's like we're old dance partners.


It's a little embarrassing. I know we've only just met but I've been shot.


Charlie: How much do you make being a doctor?
Otis: A lot less than you make being a bookie, I'll tell you that much.

Look at this. My arms around a child and I'm not even wearing a hazmat suit.


I've been to the moon plenty. I don't ever want to go back.


He gets fifty bucks. That's it. And he hands over all of my medicine and if he doesn't he better pray to God he never gets sick anywhere near me because I'm going to be a doctor her for a long, long time. And I don't care if he's on the ground bleeding from both eyeballs. It's going to be at least 200 bucks before I take his damn blood pressure.


Your out of luck Chico because South American blow up dolls don't exist.


Keaton's gone for half an hour and the last Nazi in South America shows up.


You don't have to worry about me. I'm a play by the rules kind of girl. Wouldn't even know how to grease a palm. I'd probably start with a good moisturizer.


There's got to be something going on with this guy. Anybody else would be a fried chicken right now.


Instead of wondering why it didn't kill him, let's make sure it doesn't.


Off the Map Quotes

Practicing tropical medicine in a third-world country is a different game... You don't have high tech, you don't have big pharma - you have your brain, you have your instincts.


They don't give a crap about the work. They're just padding their resumes with a little third world do gooding.
