Grace: I'm supposed to be in there. surgery, Sinead let me out of it.
Ashley: No, it's not your fault. Okay, you didn't know this would happen.
Grace: Didn't I? I saw the way he looked at her. It was the same way he used to look at me. And I ran. Instead of standing next to Naz, I ran. I feel like everywhere I've gone today, every room I've gone into, every corner I've turned; he's been there, suffocating me.

Wolf: Do you feel like we're being made tribute? Like The Hunger Games?
Ashley: Hm. Kill or be killed.

Sanders: All right, people. You know what's fun about mergers? Nothing. So brace yourself because change is coming. Where you eat is gonna change. Where you gossip is gonna change. Where you change is gonna change. So better learn to addept quick, or they will find new "mes" and "yous."
Wolf: I just got a message from Dr. Niven about a personailty test.
Sanders: Oh yeah, that's happening. It's just the beginning. Companies don't just buy each other without kicking the tires.
Ashley: And we're the tires.
Sanders: That's right, Collins. You have no idea how right you are.

The past is a funny thing. We think it's something we can run from, something we'll never see again, but somehow our past always reminds us that it can also be our present, and our future.


We would rather be ruined than changed. But everyday we seem to face that choice over and over again.


Tenzin: What is it friend?
Wolf: I had, uh, leukemia as a kid, and uh, when I was in the children's ward, every few weeks a bed would just, a bed would just suddenly be empty. Like the kid just disappeared. Do you know how scary that is? Nobody said anything. Guess they didn't know how to like talk about it. I was terrified. And I hate it. I hate it for what it took and for what it takes. How can you be so happy about death? It's not right.
Tenzin: Not right. Not wrong. Not good or bad. Just another change.

Keon: Is he high yet?
Wolf: He's getting there. So am I.
Keon: What?
Wolf: I couldn't let him do it alone.
Naz: Do you have a career death wish? What are you doing?
Wolf: 'Kay, well, he needs me. And I can, I can handle myself.
Keon: I believe you, man, but we don't want you to get fired.
Wolf: That's why you're gonna cover me.
Keon: We can try, but I warn you, we have a mixed record on that score.

Wolf: You sure this is okay?
Tenzin: The psilocybin does is safe.
Wolf: Your friend said he was meant to go with you. What did he mean?
Tenzin: Usually, a guide will take the trip with the dying. But I'm not afraid to go alone.
Wolf: No. No. You shouldn't be alone. I am your wingman.
Tenzin: My brave friend. Perhaps we were fated to take this journey together.

Mrs. Gelson: You know the great thing about Jerry? He makes me feel like I'm the same person I always was. Like myself. Not Parkinson's Lady.
Grace: It's true, you aren't your illness, or you blood pressure, but they do require treatment.

Kabir: What's going on, Grace?
Grace: What, you don't know how a booty call works?
Kabir: Of course I do. Jesus. Are you angry with me?
Grace: No. Yes. Maybe. I don't know.
Kabir: This is the first time this has felt like, like and affair. It feels dirty.
Grace: Yeah, for you. Whatever, I gotta go.
Kabir: Okay, fine. The whole situation is messed up.
Grace: Yeah, it is. And guess what? You don't get to have the girlfriend experience when you've got a fiancée at home. So for us, dirty is where it's at.

Wolf: Okay, it's not the drugs. Sure, breaking the law isn't totally me jam, but it's the dying part. I don't know if I can be there when it happens.
Grace: You're working in palliative care.
Wolf: Oh, I get that it's a problem.
Keon: Drugs, okay, let me here it, my man.
Wolf: Okay, so he wants to take like this magic mushroom tea. It's a spiritual thing.
Naz: Okay, well that could destroy a career. Also, prison.
Keon: Yeah, I've heard about those palliative monks.They know what they're doing, but it's not illegal if it's religious, right?
Naz: Tell that to the judge.
Keon: If it makes the guy happy ... People sneak their own drugs in here all the time, eh.
Ashley: Yeah, why torture yourself? I mean, you know you're gonna do it. You always want to make people feel good. So just do it.

Ashley: Did you here bout the new CEO? What are you gonna do?
Grace: What do you want me to do?
Ashley: Nothing, just. Are you okay? Hey, look, I know we're not tight, but I want you to know I've got your back. Whatever you need.
Grace: Mostly, I just need to escape.
Ashley: I can't help you with that, but I might know some people.

Nurses Quotes

For the last time, I'm not sick, I am just dying. And I can walk. My lungs are toast, not my legs.


People say you're only sick as your secrets. And hospitals are full of secrets. Some are harmless, but others, whispered in the wrong ear. Well, they can be fatal.
