Sabatino: I'm just saying if this is my car, it wouldn't have taken 45 minutes to get here.
Fatima: Yeah? Was your first car foot powered?

I feel a deep sense of embarrassment for Nina.

Kilbride [to Rountree]

Lance: Odds are our man's wounded.
Kensi: Well, let's find him before they do.

Fatima: Does anybody like you, Sabatino?
Sabatino: Third wife?

Kensi: [Tom's books] are great. You should read them.
Lance: I'm more of a wait-til-it-gets-to-the-movies kind of guy.
Kensi: Of course you are.

Lance: Let me guess: That's where Deeks keeps his haircare products.
Kensi: Don't pretend you're not jealous of his golden locks.

Lance: We made such a good team last time.
Kensi: Did we? Because I seem to remember you ending up in the hospital at the end of that day.
Lance: I just remember the sushi.
Kensi: The sushi was good. The sushi was really good.

Rosa: Well, it's not your fault you have to work.
Kensi: I know it's not my fault I have to work. But I was looking forward to some 1-on-1 time, just you and me.
Rosa: Me too. But hey, it's cool. No worries.

Rountree: I thought we were going to have lunch with your friends from college. You were going to hook me up with the vegetarian.
Fatima: First of all, she's a veterinarian, not a vegetarian. Second of all, I wasn't going to hook you up. I was going to introduce you to her.
Roundtree: Tomato, tomato. Get dressed. We gotta go.

Callen: Why have an alias when you can have revenge?
Mira: It's petty but effective.

Kensi: They need to learn to use their words!
Arkady: She started it!
Kensi: I will finish it!

Callen: Amicably, huh?
Arkady: I may have left out a couple of minor details.

NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Quotes

Kensi [to Deeks]: You know what I'm thinking?
Both: Home school.
Deeks: I'm not built for this. I think we should have got a raccoon.

Kensi [to Rosa]: But more importantly, have fun.
Deeks: That's the most important thing: Have fun.

  • Permalink: Have fun.
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