Kilbride: It looks like the backstage at a Village People show.
Fatima: What's a Village People show?

So I hear you like to beat up old war veterans.

Deeks [to Quinn]

Jack: I think this is a racially motivated hate crime.
Fatima: But you don't have any proof of that?
Jack: With all due respect, that's your job.

We're better than this. We have to be better than this because this is not the country that I know and love.

Deeks [to Kensi]

Hitting them after they hit the ground, that is pure hate.

Fatima [to Sam]

Sam: You're welcome to leave.
Joelle: You can be a real ass.
Sam: You're still welcome to leave.

This is far from over.

Callen [to Hetty]

Is there some Women Who Kill dating site out there that I don't know about, or do you just have the world's worst luck with the ladies?

Kilbride [to Callen]

Callen: Planning a coup I should know about?
Kilbride: Variety is the spice of life, Agent Callen.

Kilbride: If you find yourself in a cage, again, you will be disavowed.
Hetty: Well, that's really encouraging.

If you go down this rabbit hole, G, you may not like what you find. You may even get lost.

Sam [to Callen]

You know how it's hard for you to tell when you're starting to annoy me. This is one of those times.

Sam [to Callen]

NCIS: Los Angeles Season 13 Quotes

If you go down this rabbit hole, G, you may not like what you find. You may even get lost.

Sam [to Callen]

You know how it's hard for you to tell when you're starting to annoy me. This is one of those times.

Sam [to Callen]