Fatima: Why didn't she tell Sam about her car?
Eric: Because he would have made her get a tank.

I knew something would go wrong without [Kam's] momma around.

Sam [to Roundtree]

Roundtree: Are you sure you want to do this?
Sam: I need to do this.

Eric: Don't make me pull rank.
Fatima: You don't have rank.

Bye, bitch!

Roundtree [to Fatima]

Roundtree: What are residuals?
Fatima: You know my Porsche? It's not from the motor pool.

Sabatino: Are you really bi?
Kendra: Go home to your kids.

Kensi: We're federal agents.
Kendra: Your parents must be so proud.

Come back. See your friends. Test your software. Get blown up by nukes. Thanks a lot, Hetty.


Kensi and Eric: Admiral Kilbride.
Kilbride: Do you two always harmonize?

Sam: [Sabatino] is just observing.
Kilbride: Right.

Well, that didn't go as well.
Kensi, No, it didn't.


NCIS: Los Angeles Season 12 Quotes

Fatima: You think there's a chance we shot it down?
Sam: I sure as hell hope not.
Callen: If so, Russia would consider that an act of war.

Nell: Hetty? Where are you?
Hetty: Where I want to be.