When it comes to love, if it's not meant to be there's nothing in the world that can make it happen but if it is, ain't nothing in the world gonna stop it.


I've learned some lessons in these mistakes I've made. One thing is for sure babe, life is long. Things change; nothing stays the same forever. You know that by now.


What do you think is going to happen? Do you think we're gonna burn the house down? Because I don't know if you remember but we tried that once and it didn't work.


Seriously do I have to do everything myself?


We’re having a baby!

Damien [to Scarlett and Gunnar]

I don’t want to hear about how great I’m doing, I want to hear about how great I am.


I'm always on your side.

Avery [to Juliette]

Juliette: Hallie, I really do care about you.
Hallie: There's only one person you care about.

Liv: This is your house? Are you guys millionaires?
Daphne: Musicians.
Liv: Millionaire musicians.

Scarlett: I'm pregnant and you're the father.
Damien: Wait, let's slow things down for a minute. That's impossible.
Scarlett: You do understand the process of conception?

It's okay, you don't have to talk to me. You're angry, I get that. I keep trying to make everything okay and it's not. It's not for me either. It's not for any of us and I don't know what to do about that. But for now maybe it's okay, not being okay.


Avery: Look Gunnar, if you really want to be with her, you'll find a way.
Gunnar: I just don't want to mess it up again, man. I've failed her so many times.
Avery: Of course you have and she's failed you. I mean, that's what people do, they fail each other. So try again. Fail better.

Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?