You know, I do know of a guy who sells Suboxone. He's supposed to be a fucking psychopath, but if you want, I can call him. You might be worth a psychopath, I don't know, maybe. Oh, and keep the fish, you filthy animal.


This is a zero-sum game. Calculate all the outcomes. If you don't pull off this ridiculous miracle (and odds are, you won't) you die, and so does Shayla. That much we know. But assume for a second that you do pull this off, bust Vera out of prison. Who's to say he doesn't kill you, Shayla, Darlene? It would be in his own best interest to do that. Either way, you all end up dead. It's the only way Vera wins. Zero-sum, Elliot. You're playing a game you already lost. You know I'm right.

Tyrell. I want you to accept a hard truth. Right here, right now, in front of me. You are not going to be CTO. I want to see that look wash over your face. It's the only way I know you'll stop playing these silly, silly games.

Scott Knowles

Vera: Elliot. "Brave and true." Did you know the origin of "brave" evolved from "savage"?
Elliot: I don't know what you think this is about, but you need to let her go.
Vera: You know, funny thing. My name means something similar. "Brave traveler." "Adventurer." "Savage traveler" becomes "brave traveler." Are we savages, or are we brave? Don't know, bro.

Shayla: Doesn't feel real.
Elliot: You should eat.
Shayla: Not hungry. I don't even know what I ordered.
Elliot: I'm sorry.

Ollie: You're ruining your life.
Angela: Maybe. But I also ruined yours.

And unfortunately, we're all human. Except me, of course. I'm joking, Elliot. Enjoy your long drive back home. I'm having a helicopter take me back to New York. Take care, Elliot.


Tyrell: I know you framed Terry Colby.
Elliot: I didn't --
Tyrell: Your father worked at Evil Corp before he died, that's a matter of public record. I'm not turning you in, if that's what you're thinking. I don't even have proof and even if i did i don't care. Just wanted to know your weakness. Now I do. Revenge. How ordinary.

People always make the best exploits. I've never found it hard to hack most people. If you listen to them, watch them, their vulnerabilities are like a neon sign screwed into their heads. Mobley's a glutton, who lacks discipline from his urges. Romero is a know-it-all and a hypochondriac. Mr. Robot? His flaw is he's absolutely insane. We're talking clinical. When they say "if your friends jump off a bridge, would you?" -- he would. Without hesitation, just to prove something. He goes in there, he's liable to blow the whole place up, just like he wanted to in the first place.


Fernando Vera: I ain't pleading anyway. Men can't sentence me. That is a cosmic responsibility. Someone is going to get hurt for this. That's how we get square with the universe.
Lawyer: Fernando, we need to discuss strategy, you don't want super max.
Fernando Vera: Nah. If they lock me up the kind of door they close don't matter.

Those people in there. I just told them what they wanted to hear. You're not gonna do it, are you? Change the world. Figures. You were only born a month ago. You're afraid. Afraid of your monster. Do you even know what it is?


There's a saying -- 'The devil is at his strongest while we're looking the other way.' Like a program running in the background silently. While we're busy doing other shit. 'Daemons,' they call them. They perform action without user interaction. Monitoring, logging, notifications, primal urges, repressed memories, unconscious habits. They're always there, always active. You can try to be right, you can try to be good, you can try to make a difference. But it's all bullshit. 'Cause intentions are irrelevant. They don't drive us, daemons do. And me? I've got more than most.


Mr. Robot Season 1 Quotes

Krista: What is it about society that disappoints you so much?
Elliot: Oh, I don't know. Is it that we collectively thought Steve Jobs was a great man, even when we knew he made billions off the backs of children? Or maybe it's that it feels like all our heroes are counterfeit. The world itself's just one big hoax.

Hello, friend. Hello, friend? That's lame. Maybe I should give you a name, but that's a slippery slope. You're only in my head. We have to remember that. Shit.
