Don: How do I describe California in a way that won't make them jealous?
Ted: Tell them my ex wife lives there.

They waited so long, I thought we were safe.


McCann's moving us to their building. We lost our lease. Everything must go.


Peggy: They all have their own toy. If we want enthusiasm, we should just have one toy.
Stan: Like a Battle Royale. Just throw one in there and the last kid standing gets the gig? You hate kids.

Sally: You know what I'm going to write down for my dream? I'm going to get on a bus and get away from you and mom and hopefully become a different person than you two.
Don: Hey! I'm your father and you may not want to listen to this, but you are like your mother and me. You're going to find that out. You're a very beautiful girl. It's up to you to be more than that.

Sally: I'm so tired of people asking me what I want to do.
Don: Well, if you're lucky enough to think of it, you should write it down, 'cause when you get older, you're gonna forget.

Joan: I thought about it and I'm sending my son away.
Richard: What?
Joan: No, I thought about what you said and I like you, too. And if I have to choose between you and my son, I choose you.
Richard: That's not what I said.
Joan: That's exactly what you said.
Richard: Well, I thought about it and I want to be a part of your life and your little boy, too.
Joan: I live with my mother and I've been divorced. Twice.
Richard: I'm buying some property in New York. Where do you live?
Joan: Twelfth Street.
Richard: OK. I'm not going to buy property down there [laughs], but I'm going to get a place in a nice neighborhood by the park and you're going to visit. All of you.

Don: You have a foul mouth. Take responsibility for your failure. That account was handed to you and you made nothing of it because you have no character.
Mathis: You don't have any character. You're just handsome. Stop kidding yourself!
Don: Everybody has problems. Some people can handle them and some people can't. Look at yourself because the next thing you're going to have to move past is losing this job. You're fired.

Peggy: This is supposed about my job, not the meaning of life.
Don: So you think those things are unrelated?
Peggy: I didn't know you'd be in a mood.
Don: Do you want to do this or not?
Peggy: Why don't you just write down all your dreams so I can shit on them?

Don: What do you see for the future?
Peggy: Well, that on there?
Don: No, I'm just curious.
Peggy: I'd like to be the first woman creative director at this agency. [Don grins] That's funny to you?
Don: No, I'm impressed that you know exactly.

Peggy: Ted told me I have to fill out my own performance review.
Don: I guess he respects your opinion.
Peggy: I'm tired of this.
Don: I'd start with that.

Don: Do you ever feel like there's less to actually do but more to think about?
Ted: Not really. Maybe I'm a bad manager. Maybe I'm too, what do they call it, 'hands on.'

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
