Pudge: She wants to sleep in the same bed together. Be cool, Miles.
Dolores: It’s a small trailer, son.

I’m all in. No matter what you tell me, I would never walk away from you.


Maybe that’s what it is, the labyrinth. What if it’s suffering?

Alaska: You wanna go porn hunting?
Pudge: What?
Alaska: You can’t love your neighbors until you know how crooked their hearts are.

I’m not flirting, I’m just tired.

Muting mortal combat would be like only reading every other word of Jane Eyre.

Life’s a beach Pudge. Enjoy the waves.

This is all happening because of you. You are in this position because of the choices you made.

The Eagle

Small moments forge deep bonds.

Dr. Hyde

You do know that you’re going on a date with Lara not Alaska right?


Colonel: Hey ladies, if it ain’t Abercrombie and Bitch.
Longwell: Nice to see you too, Chip.

Pudge: Why do you smoke so damn fast?
Alaska: I don't smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die.

Looking for Alaska Quotes

Pudge: But it's so beautiful.
Colonel: The dangerous ones always are.

Mrs. Halter: But why do you have to go now, that's what college is for.
Miles: I've told you why.
Mrs. Halter: Because of some French poet's last words. A Great Perhaps? What does that even mean?
Miles: That's what I need to find out.