Ravonna: How do you plead?
Loki: Madam, a god doesn't plead.

Man: Please confirm to your knowledge that you are not a fully robotic being, were born an organic creature, and do in fact possess what many cultures would call a soul.
Loki: What? "To my knowledge?" Do a lot of people not know if they're robots?
Man: Thank you for your confirmation. Please move through.
Loki: What if I was a robot and I didn't know it?
Man: The machine would melt you from the inside out. Please move along, sir.
Loki: Okay, I'm not a robot, so I'll be fine.

Casey: Can you at least tell me what it is?
Loki: It's the Tesseract. Be very careful with it.
Casey: It sounds dumb.

I am Loki of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose.

Loki Season 1 Quotes

Casey: Can you at least tell me what it is?
Loki: It's the Tesseract. Be very careful with it.
Casey: It sounds dumb.

I am Loki of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose.
