Elana: What the hell?
Shaw: We're here to talk about your friend, Troy Booker.
Elana: Why? What happened?
Shaw: He attacked a guard and escaped.
Elana: Good. I hope you never find him.

Woman: Excuse me, are you Nolan Price?
Price: Yes. What can I do for you?
Woman: You can let my son out of jail, stop pretending he's guilty.

Maroun: You were right. Lockett was a good man, but he followed the chain of command and he died for it.
Price: He was a soldier. He was just following orders.
Maroun: That doesn't mean it was right.
Price: Whoever said it did?

Nolan: Turns out Fallon has a glioblastoma -- a brain tumor on his right frontal lobe. The defense is arguing it impacted his impulse control.
McCoy: How did we not know about this?
Maroun: It was diagnosed only a week before the murder. He hadn't received treatment yet and by his account hadn't told anyone yet, including his attorney.
McCoy: That strains credulity.
Price: A judge thought so too but ultimately accepted their change of plea.
Maroun: Studies link glioblastomas specifically to toxic exposure from burn pits.
McCoy: So from Fallon's perspective, Lockett was responsible not only for his best friend's suicide but for his own diagnosis. That only strengthens his motive.
Maroun: But the defense has a neurooncologist that will testify the tumor is responsible for the murder and impaired Fallon's ability to distinguish right from wrong in the moment.
McCoy: That's not true. But it's good strategy. Allows them to introduce the burn pits and the tragic aftermath and paint the defendant as the victim.
Maroun: In a way, he is.

Shane was dying. Pulmonary fibrosis. Suicide was just a shortcut, but you can't put that in the obit.


Shaw: I recognize that guy. That's Vincent Martinez, Reisner's associate. They served together in Iraq.
Cosgrove: That's gotta be Reisner's funeral. Oh, we gotta grab him now.
Shaw: Frank. No, no, no. You and I can go in there and keep eyes on Martinez and we can wait for a discreet moment to approach after.
Cosgrove: Discreet? That guy is murder suspect number one. We don't know if he's armed, if he's going in there to shoot up the place.
Shaw: He's not gonna shoot up the place. It's a veteran's funeral!
Cosgrove: So?
Shaw: So? Frank, my brother's in the military. My father was. These funerals matter. So let's show them some respect, huh?

CEO: Projections are made up numbers. We didn't do anything wrong.
Shaw: Then why cut out the CFO?
CEO: She has no financial imagination.
Shaw: And Alex did?
CEO: He followed orders. He was a former soldier so I knew he'd do what he was told.

Sonia: I assure you, I was not having an affair with Alex Lockett.
Shaw; We saw the crater you left in his office wall. You have a good arm.
Cosgrove: You were tired of being his little secret, you wanted to go public, but he broke it off. That would make anybody angry.
Sonia: Why must men always reduce a woman down to sex?

You know, he was awfully dressed up for a midnight smoke under the stars.


Shaw: All these windows, someone must have heard something.
Cosgrove: Nah. Everyone around here goes to bed before the 10 o'clock news.

You have made a career out of encouraging other women to stand up for themselves. Now that it's your turn, you're just going to look the other way?


Pollard: I'll claim privilege.
Maroun: I'll fight that and win.
Pollard: I'll take the Fifth.
Maroun: I'll immunize you.
Pollard: And if I refuse to cooperate?
Maroun: Every survivor in New York owes you a debt of gratitude for the work you have done. But you are a material witness in a murder case. A woman was killed and you are the only one who can put the murder weapon into the killer's hands.
Pollard: My detractors have been looking for a reason to undermine me for years and you're giving them one on a silver platter.
Maroun: People will understand. You were looking for companionship. That doesn't make you weak. It makes you human.
Pollard: I am begging you, if you really believe in what I do, put your money where your mouth is and do not put me on the stand.

Law & Order Quotes

Bernard: We'd like to see the surveillance footage from last night, if that's possible.
Mrs. King: I'm afraid I haven't used them in years.
Donovan: Your husband is the most hated man in America and you don't even turn on the alarm?
Mrs. King: I'm from North Carolina. We don't even lock our front doors.

Every victim deserves our respect, even the ones that raped 40 women.
