Curry: Trying to bribe an IAB officer? That's asking for a suspension.
Benson: You'd be doing me a favor.
Curry: Reporting misconduct by the chief? Not for the faint of heart.

McGrath: What if it was Noah? What would you do?
Benson: I know what I wouldn't do. I wouldn''t go anywhere near the investigation.

Bruno: I don't want to victim blame but...
Fin: Are we sure she's telling us the truth?
Bruno: It's possible her biggest regret isn't that she had sex that night but that her father found out about it?

Shea: If you tell my parents I had a party, they'll be super pissed.
Benson: I don't care about the party. I'm here for one reason and one reason only. I want to make sure you're okay.

Benson: Am I even doing this right?
Therapist: Just follow my fingers and tell me how it feels.
Benson: It's... dizzying.

Fin: That vicarious trauma will get to you. Anything you need from me?
Benson: Not unless you have a psychology degree.

Ray: It would have been so easy to follow the list my wife gave me, instead of screwing up my life.
Fin: You were victimized. I know what happened to you wasn't easy to deal with.
Ray: I didn't want to see the lights of the city. I wanted to be one of them, at least for one night.

Well, they're idiots, but at least they're consistent.


Suspect: Tess said I had a gun?
Carisi: Did you?
Suspect: No. I'm a Democrat.

Eileen: Do you think it's my fault?
Benson: It has been a long day. You must be exhausted.
Eileen: I can't sleep.
Benson: The most important thing right now is you take care of yourself.

Fin: That guy's a bad liar.
Bruno: Maybe he genuinely doesn't remember.
Fin: If this guy is a victim, we're gonna have to prove it... to him.

Fin: We think this building may have been a crime scene.
Manager: Wouldn't be the first time. What do you expect? This is Brooklyn.