Okay, he doesn't see class or color, but when I look at this screen all I see are white women of privilege.


In my opinion, guys like Gallagher have been above the law for so long that nothing can touch them.


How did you learn about my case? Hudson U treated me like toxic waste.


This guy is a predator who protects other predators. If we dig deep enough we'll find something.


Kelly: Those guys defined the narrative. I realized I was never gonna make it in their world.
Benson: Ms. Kelly. Your case is past the statute of limitations but sometimes when one woman comes forward -
Kelly: Not me. I fought Gallagher 30 years ago and lost.

Carisi: We're looking into a judge. Do you know him?
Civil Rights Attorney: I wish I could unremember him.

Fin: The old boy network is strong out East.
Kat: So is the corruption.

I just found out that Gallagher wasn't supposed to be assigned this case. He birddogged it. He used all of us, show boating to start his political career.


Kat: Zoey is worried the jury will see her as a crazy slut who tricked him. [Gabe]. Are we in trouble?
Carisi: We always knew this was a risk.
Kat: She's a good person, just trying to pay her bills. He's the crazy one.
Carisi: I know that. My job is to make sure the jury knows it.

Fin: Gabe isn't lying. The more he looks at that screen, the more he thinks that's real and this is a simulation.
Carisi: I don't buy it.
Fin: The more you're a DA, the more you forget being a cop. You gotta get out of your head and into his.

Benson: How's Zoey holding up?
Kat: Not great. She's worried a jury will judge her for being a cam girl.
Fin: She's right and they will.

Kat: It's bad enough Gabe is representing herself, but now he gets to go to her apartment?
Carisi: Under a new law passed last January, the defense is allowed to investigate the scene of the crime.
Kat: Zoey is freaked out. She wants to be there.
Carisi: That's not a good idea, but that's her perogative.
Kat: Isn't there anything you can do?
Carisi: You mean change state law in the next hour? No, I can't.
Kat: Aren't you supposed to protect the victim?
Carisi: Actually, my job is to uphold the law.

Law & Order: SVU Season 22 Quotes

Aren't you even asking that White Woman questions? [To Fin] Look, I expect this nonsense from her but doesn't this get old for you, man?


Fin: We have to do this this way? We're profiling this guy.
Benson: He's got warrants.