Soronda's mother: Both our children killed for no reason.
Fin: No, they were killed for one reason. They were killed because of hate.

They lynched him. They goddamn lynched him.


I took one look at his bust and assumed he was guilty. And I more than anyone else should know the way they make people who look like him out to have done wrong.


Benson: Street justice. An eye for an eye.
Carisi: And they get to play the hero. Save the city the cost of a trial. They're criminals.

Elvis: When God was giving out dolls you must have thought He said balls.
Benson: Get your hand off me.

Whatever that kid might have done to that girl, he didn't deserve to die like this.


Hasim: Any suspects?
Kat: Just a motel full of sex offenders down the block.

Kat: She's so young.
Benson: It never gets easier.

Look, I had to take a plea. Black boy with a white girl, the jury wouldn't believe me.


Fin: That buliding on the corner. Pedo Motel.
Benson: Pedo Motel?
Fin: That's what the neighborhood watch calls it. A bunch of SOs live there. Maybe one of those creeps followed her.
Benson: Okay. Let's dial it back a little. I know you don't believe it, but registered SOs have the lowest recidivism rates.

Boy: Let me walk you to your bus. There's a lot of bad dudes around here.
Girl: I'm fine.
Boy: I'm not like that.

I'm fairly certain Rafiq was murdered. I just don't know who did it. But whoever did it was some other mother's son. And that makes two mothers in grief.


Law & Order: SVU Season 22 Quotes

Aren't you even asking that White Woman questions? [To Fin] Look, I expect this nonsense from her but doesn't this get old for you, man?


Fin: We have to do this this way? We're profiling this guy.
Benson: He's got warrants.