Artists? These girls? Maybe that's something they tell their customers.


Boyfriend: It's been over a month now, right?
Monica: Screw this...and them.

Fin: Getz doesn't seem like the type who would kill himself.
Kat: That doesn't even look like him on the gurney. No, hear me out. They switch him out with some homeless guy from the morgue and meanwhile he gets on a plane to some island beyond extradition.
Fin: No. I think someone took him out. No way did he kill himself.
Benson: A lot of people wanted him dead. Either way, his number was up. But what gets me is that these girls will never get their day in court.

Abrams: Garland, for what it's worth, I have a lot more friends in 1PP than you do, and the sense I get from them is you don't know your place.
Garland: That's why they're the Old Guard.

Kat: Sorry for what I said back there about Rollins:
Fin: You're gonna be a great detective but...
Kat: I gotta think before I open my mouth.
Fin: That and before you go off the playbook.

Kat: Maybe I shouldn't say this, but Rollins knows him. Is it possible she's in on this? Lost perspective?
Carisi: You're right. You shouldn't have said that.

Carisi: How could he be allowed his gun after that meltdown in the hospital?
Benson: He's retired NYPD. You know how hard it is to get a red flag on -
Carisi: If he didn't have a gun, this all plays out differently. Getz made that plea deal knowing he was going to walk. I don't know how yet, but that Judge Ellory was somehow in his pocket. They're all connected. I'm gonna look into them. If Rollins gets shot, I'm coming after all of them.

Bouchi: You sent him to his Pop's in Brooklyn? What's his name?
Therapist: I just told you. Leo.
Bouchi: Leo gonna ask any questions?
Therapist: No. He's a drummer. He doesn't notice things. That's probably why we got divorced.

Fin: He's gotta be crazy.
Benson: Seems that way.
Fin: But he likes Rollins. I don't think he'll hurt her.
Benson: Men hurt women they like all the time. You know that.

You know, if you're gonna take people hostage, it helps to be lucid.


Fin: Captain, hey. I was just punching out.
Benson: No, you're not. Bouchi went rogue. He's holding Rollins and he has a weapon.

Frank: Goetz has my girls. Now I have one of yours.
Benson: Frank, let's talk about this.
Frank: I want Goetz in jail.
Benson: Okay, I hear you. But Frank -
Frank: I know you. You get things done. Now do this.

Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Quotes

Rollins: Your name's Carisi and you're pulling an Irish goodbye?
Carisi: I didn't want anyone making a fuss.
Rollins: How are you feeling?
Carisi: I'm scared. I turned in my gun yesterday. But if I don't make this move now, I never will.
Rollins: Well, before you leave me, how about one last drink?

Dodds: You really spared no expense.
Benson: Hey. It's not like we throw a lot of parties.