Kravin: Or else what? I am untouchable.
Lucy: You are also currently stored in my random access memory. One cache purge and I overwrite you with cookie recipes.
Kravin: Show me this problem. And what is your name, my dear?
John: Just stick to the genetics, loverbytes.

John: You want to stop feeling bad, Delle Sayeh, stop being a shitty person. Do the work.
Delle Sayeh: Well, who do I pay to do that?

Gared: So what are we doing?
Fancy: Not talking.
Gared: No problem. I can do that really good. Not talking.

John: You ever notice a lot of people die around us?
Dutch: Yeah. It's part of our charm.

Well, isn't this just a goddamn party?


So, how's your day been?

Zeph [to John]

Excuse me. Do you seriously have no drinks that aren't alcoholic or have you all just been drunk the whole time I've known you?


Criminal geniuses, total reprobates, sexual deviants. My people.

Pip [to D'avin]

Fancy Pants! Nice to see a friendly face! Well, at least to see your face.

Garek [to Fancy]

Dutch: Johnny, do you remember anything the way it actually happened?
John: Why? My version is way more interesting.

See? This is why you have no other friends.

John [to Dutch]

Zeph: His biology is way beyond me.
John: Hey, don't be so hard on yourself.
Zeph: And if it's beyond me, Johnny doesn't stand a chance
John: I take it back.

Killjoys Season 4 Quotes

Khlyen: Be strong, Yalena.
Dutch: You be strong. I'll be injured.

Aneela: You found [Dutch]?
Khlyen: I think she found us.