Marris: Things were a little tight. Fixed income, drinking problem.
D'avin: That wasn't your money.

Zeph: Look, I get that it's super-sexy, but you take too many risks, Dutch.
Dutch: And you're too bloody overprotective. Lucy, mute Zeph.

Charlie: The Jaqobis brothers back on Telen. Gods help us all.
John: We're also available for bachelorettes and birthdays.
Charlie: Ever the smart-ass.
John: Well, stick with your brand.

Hullen and supercharged silica. There's no place like home.

John [to Dutch]

So, best family reunion ever?


A bounty hunter? Bullshit.

Marris [to John]

But, hey, if we do get out, it might be hundreds of years later. The brown jacket you love might be back in style.

John [to Dutch]

Dutch: Johnny, a bit of a problem here.
John: Way ahead of you.

Lucy: At our current rate of speed, it's likely we will be turned into a stream of subatomic particles shortly.
John: Could be worse.
Lucy: Unlikely. Theoretically, it does not get worse than dying in a black hole.
Dutch: It's fun flying with you, Lucy.

Just figure out the override. We'll come back to human school later.

Turin [to Weej]

If you try to leave the Quad without me, my love, every Qreshi ship within firing range will turn you into dust.

Yalena [to Khlyen]

Khlyen: You could have just told me you were coming.
Yalena: And waste the chance for a grand entrance? I think not.

Killjoys Season 4 Quotes

Khlyen: Be strong, Yalena.
Dutch: You be strong. I'll be injured.

Aneela: You found [Dutch]?
Khlyen: I think she found us.