Xiomara: You're sorry? My mom is late because of me.
Immigration Officer: Reason doesn’t matter.
Xo: Oh yeah, it does. Because I have cancer. No, no do not look away. I have tubes coming out of me and puss dripping in these bags, and it hurts like hell, but I came here to see my mom take this damn test because being a citizen of this country is important to her. So, I am going to need you to let her take that fricking test.
Narrator: Well, if there was ever a moment to play the cancer card, this was it.

Jane: And like I said, I love you.
Petra: Well, thank you. I appreciate your explanation.
Jane: You have to say it back.
Petra: I don’t want to.
Jane: Petra…
Petra: Can I say it in Czech?
Jane: No, I want it in English right now.
Petra: Fine. I love you too. Just don’t cry in front of J.R. Ever

Wow, I’ve never seen anyone not like Jane before. It’s honestly a turn on.


Okay, things not to bring up. Let’s start with the three “I’s.” Insemination, infidelity, and any other indiscretions.


Jane the Virgin Season 4 Episode 15 Quotes

Okay, things not to bring up. Let’s start with the three “I’s.” Insemination, infidelity, and any other indiscretions.


Wow, I’ve never seen anyone not like Jane before. It’s honestly a turn on.
