Daniel: Armand sold you out.
Louis: I'm talking now.

Daniel: Sacks come off and your characters in a play.
Louis: Props. Props in a play. A play that's been fully designed and rehearsed. And every actor on stage has scripted lines except for us.

Daniel: Just a clarification for the readers, to save your own life, Armand, you fucked over Louis, Claudia, and Madeleine. And then you sat in the best seat in the house, watching the consequences of you fucking them over.
Louis: He had a lot to account for. He spent the whole performance calculating a way to save me.

Come to me! Fuck you!

Louis [to Lestat]

Armand: Lestat stood on the stage. Took all the familiar pieces of Louis's life, defiled them, bent them into a Lestat-shaped effigy.
Louis: Some of it now.
Daniel: What?
Louis: I remember being out of my body at the time. I was in Paris, but also in New Orleans. Lestat took me there.

I made her for Louis. She is my blood. I broke the second law. When you sentence them for their crimes, you sentence me too.


I don't know why I bother. You didn't come here for me. One more round in the stormy romance of you two! Never been about me. I was just a roof shingle that flew off of your house.


Daniel: He saved you.
Armand: It took all my strength.
Daniel: You saved Louis.
Armand: Yes.
Daniel: But not her.
Armand: I could not prevent it. I could not prevent it.

Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Daniel: Sacks come off and your characters in a play.
Louis: Props. Props in a play. A play that's been fully designed and rehearsed. And every actor on stage has scripted lines except for us.

Daniel: Armand sold you out.
Louis: I'm talking now.