Murphy: I'm not giving up. I don't care if I have to rob this casino. I'm going to get that money. I'm going to get that money.
Trey: You serious about that?
Murphy: About what?
Trey: About stealing? Because there's this guy, he has about a million chips on the table, definitely more than $300,000.

God, we have a totally different view on how friendship works.


Jessica: I miss the Lindsmoore.
Murphy: Me too. I miss everything.
Jessica: Do you think we'll ever have a semi-normal life again?
Murphy: Yeah.
Jessica: How?
Murphy: Just trust me.
Jessica: Alright then, but that hasn't really worked out for us.

Is this just going to be a thing now? Are you just going to show up whenever?


It never occurred to you that the blind girl wanted for murder might be pretending not to be blind?


Trey: I'm not getting caught up in the pleasantries, Shorty.
Murphy: Shorty? I'm very tall.

These past few hours with you have been more exhilarating than the entirety of my life up until this point and that's because I was actually being me. And you know what, I'm going to tell my mom that I"m gay, and I'm going tell her that I took my dad's car, and that I'm so sick of being perfect all of the time, and she needs to get you to Thunder Bay.


Murphy: I didn't ask you to kill Nia.
Jess: You wouldn't have to ask me Murphy because I would do anything, I've always since we were kids done everything for you, and it hurts me so much that you don't feel the same way, Murphy.
Murphy: Jess, I obviously feel the same way. I do feel the same way.
Jess: I will never be the same after what I did, ever, Murphy.
Murphy: I understand, but no one,,. it's no one's fault.
Jess: there was no other option, I mean tell me what other option?
Murphy: I don't know, you just seem so bent out of shape. It sounds like you should've left me there to die. Jess: Don't ever say that to me again.

Jess: So you thought something bad happened to me and you fell asleep?
Murphy: What?
Jess: This is a joke! This is a joke.
Murphy: Why, what? What is a joke? What? What did I do?
Jess: You still don't care. It's unbelievable really.
Murphy: Jess, Jess I care about you more than anyone.
Jess: No you don't.

Murphy: You were just trying to be a good person.
Michael: I was trying to get laid! And I used your dead grandmother's funeral as an excuse to smoke weed and lose my virginity. Lorri, that's how bad of a person I am! The worst part is I didn't even get you there! It didn't even matter.

Ya boy just got promoted!


Murphy: Max, are you seriously not going to talk to me at all?
Max: What do you want me to say?
Murphy: I know I messed up, I always mess up, OK? I mean you know how I feel about you.
Max: I told you I wasn't coming back, and I meant it. You were right. We're no good for each other.

In The Dark Season 3 Quotes

I understand that you're bored with our regular life, but you need to start living.


Since I can't arrest you for the murder of Nia Bailey yet, I'll get you on money laundering until I find enough evidence for the murder.
