Whichever door the medics are called to, we breach from the other side.


Yeah, Betina's lost it. And she's got a point, to be fair. They've got a non-communicative passenger plane heading straight for their capital city. I mean, if it was the other way around, if that plane was coming to London and it carried on ignoring us, we'd be shooting it down.


Okay… Is it "Mum"? Yeah? 016 32... Yeah? 960 487?


Controller: Abort. Abort. Disengage.
Jet Pilot: Copy that. Weapons cold. Returning to base.

Controller: Two minutes. Confirmed for weapons release.
Jet Pilot: Are you sure about this?
Controller: Mars, you will obey the order.
Jet Pilot: Copy that.

Flight Controller 1: It's a three-degree shift. It's meant to be at 320 degrees but someone's changed it to 323.
Alice: So, something has happened to Kingdom 2-9... and someone is calling for help.

Alice: I mean, that's really weird, don't you think? Somebody on board calls the UK, manages to get a message to us via Counter Terrorism of all people? But the passenger who's done that, who's gone to all that trouble, they've also got it wrong?
Simon: Maybe they dealt with it.
Alice: Then why didn't the second caller say that too? If it was all fixed, why didn't the second caller send any more messages?
Simon: Well, because for some reason the Wi-Fi was down.
Alice: Because for some reason the Wi-Fi was down?
Simon: Okay. Yeah.
Alice: Something smells dodgy.

Passenger 1: You all right, pet? What's happening?
Passenger 2: What's happening? There's a man up there who's gone over to their side. He's just betrayed us all to help himself. That's what's happening.

Passenger 1: So, what did you do then? Come on, you must have done something.
Passenger 2: Don't talk to her like that.
Passenger 1: Well, think about it. They've not put her here for no reason.

Let me just tell you where I'm at, okay? Let me tell you where I'm at with this, all right? I don't care about any of those people. I just wanna get home to my family. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna help you.


Terry: One of our lot left a round in the toilet, and some girl found it. We bring it forward.
Marcus: That's my call.
Terry: Yeah. That's why I'm here, to advise you to make the call.
Marcus: The plan was three hours.
Terry: Plan's gone to shit.

Sam: Enjoy the movie.
Hugo: Movie?
Sam: Or whatever it is you're gonna do that doesn't involve speaking to me.

Hijack Season 1 Quotes

Sam: Enjoy the movie.
Hugo: Movie?
Sam: Or whatever it is you're gonna do that doesn't involve speaking to me.

Young Woman: You don't get one.
Mom: So... Sorry, love?
Young Woman: The lockers, it's not like they're allocated. They all belong to all of us.
Mom: We're entitled to 'em as much as anybody else is.
Young Woman: No, yeah, I know. I'm just saying...
Mom: And there are four of us. It's not just us and our fruity water. We've got kids.
Young Woman: I hadn't noticed.