It hurts. I never thought I'd be able to hurt again. Uhh, it sucks. But it's wonderful.


Every town and city around the world has a place where the wise men gather. The Greek oracle of Delphi. The Library at Alexandria. The Hall of Justice.


The Haitian: The universe has decided our fate.
Nathan: Can the universe get me a phone?

Matt: Why don't you just let me inside? (tries to use his abilities)
Mr. Millbrook: Are you threatening me?
Matt: Uh, I said... let me in. (tries again to use his abilities)
Mr. Millbrook: Why are you turning your head sideways? What's your problem, son?

Elle: We can't take what we want anymore.
Sylar: Says who?

Heroes Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Matt: Why don't you just let me inside? (tries to use his abilities)
Mr. Millbrook: Are you threatening me?
Matt: Uh, I said... let me in. (tries again to use his abilities)
Mr. Millbrook: Why are you turning your head sideways? What's your problem, son?

Elle: We can't take what we want anymore.
Sylar: Says who?