Jim: Don't let your hatred of me turn you into something you're not.
Lee: Or what, Jim? If I change too much are you going to put two in my heart like you did to Mario?

Jerome is here. He never left us. Each of you kept him alive. Each of you are Jerome. I am Jerome. We are all Jerome.


Jim: I know you had Falcone call off Zsasz. Thank you.
Lee: You want to thank me? When you find Dwight have him bring Mario back from the dead. How about that?

Where is my face?


You're the real virus Jim. You seep into people's lives until you destroy them.


If it was up to me, you'd be dead.


To hell with the people.


Doesn't anyone die in Gotham anymore?


Dig deep. I have nothing to hide.


Ms. Kean, I need you to understand two things. One, Oswald did not kill Isabella. And, two, he's not in love with me.


Now, before I kill you, she has to hate you. And, she will.


James, I would love to see what Alice's blood would do to you. The bee sting is right there begging to get out.


Gotham Season 3 Quotes

This isn't the first time a bounty hunter has apprehended an excapee. Is the GCPD incapable of handling this threat themselves?

Valerie Vale

Any chance you want to go quietly?
