Kelly: It's just a simple algorithm.
Alice: Simple and algorithm don't go together.

You're my sister; I love you. You're all that I have. Please, don't go back to that farm. Please let me get you help.


Mariana: Nobody really knows what we went through but us.
Joaquin: I'm always here to talk if you need to talk.

Mariana: Hi.
Evan: Who are you?
Mariana: I'm Mariana.
Evan: Do I know you?

I keep hearing you tell me to trust my gut, too, so I think you want me to get you the surgery. Just don't die on me, please.


Joaquin: Silas, hey. If you ever come near my sister again, I'll kill you.
Silas: A death threat in a police station? That's a bold move. Let me give you a word of advice, stay off my farm and away from girls, and tell Jenna she's always welcome to come home.

I'm so angry with Evan for putting her in this position in the first place.


Mariana: Why can't you tell me what you want?
Conscience Evan: Because I'm in your head. Trust your moms. They'd know what to do.

Evan: I'm so afraid to fail you again.
Evan Conscience: Then don't.

Guys, I promise to bring you back as soon as we get rid of Mariana. She won't last.


Mariana: When you were in the corporate world, did you ever have to fire anyone? Like 25 anyone.
Dennis: Layoffs.
Mariana: Yeah.
Dennis: Not personally, but I did see it happen. The problem with layoffs is that they always hurt low-level people the most when the upper levels make the big money whether they do their jobs or not. You know?
Mariana; Yeah, I do know.

Dom: What's the deal between you and my coworker?
Malika: Angelica.
Dom: I didn't realize you were into ladies.
Malika: Neither did I.

Good Trouble Season 5 Quotes

Mariana: I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.
Evan: Why did you go to the Farm in the first place?

Jazmine: So, how do you feel about Isabella changing her mind?
Gael: I feel blindsided.