Thanks for the invite ladies. You know what I call an afternoon where I'm getting drunk? An afternoon.


You know what they say? Those who can't, teach. Turns out, maybe you actually can. Think about that the next time you prop your butt chin up on one of those little toilets.


Oh how I've missed your insanity.


Santana: My private feelings.
Brittany: What about him?
Santana: He's just furniture. Sorry, no offense.

You're the hottest girl in school and I wear saddle shoes on legs that don't work.


Well Mama drinks her dinner these days.


My all white production of The Wiz was a disaster.


I'm pretty sure that barista is onto me. Now I'm Ann Coulter. As you may have noticed, I'm coming slightly unhinged.


Santana told me never to speak alone with you because you would try to steal all of my gold.


Lord Tubbington is allowed to eat cheese because he's on Atkins.


Artie: Am I about to lose my virginity?
Brittany: Before our deut, we're gonna do it.

Santana: AHH! (Dirt being thrown on her and Brittany)
Brittany: I don't even remember putting that in there!

Glee Season 2 Quotes

Even if your team has dropped their sequin-covered panties and urinated all over the stage like an elderly Carol Channing, they literally could not have done worse.


One girl ate a pigeon. That's how badly they wanna be Cheerios.
