Lorelai: Life is a funny funny thing, huh?
Sookie: Yeah I love that Jim Carrey.
Lorelai: What?
Sookie: Jim Carrey. He's just -- he's just -- funny.
Lorelai: He is funny but I didn't mean funny, funny. I'm being philosophical.
Sookie: Oh. Very serious face. Jean-Paul Sartre.

Mr. Medina: I think we should date.
Lorelai: Why?
Mr. Medina: Because I think we both want to.
Lorelai: Well I want to be in the Bangles but that doesn't mean I quit my job and get a guitar and ruin my life to be a Bangle, does it?
Mr. Medina: The Bangles broke up.
Lorelai: Yeah, that's not the point.

(Emily on the phone with Lorelai after finding out that Lorelai attended a cat's wake instead of her unknown cousin's funeral)
Lorelai: It's late, I have a big day tomorrow.
Emily: You're going to a raccoon's wedding?

Sir, I'm just a simple country boy from Texas. I do not understand this francais business you're babbling about.

</i> Michel

Max: How about coffee? You like coffee?
Lorelai: Only with my oxygen.

Babette: I never thought a man would ever even want me.
Lorelai: I know the feeling.
Babette: Oh, please, with that ass? Gimme a break.

Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

(talking about Dean)
Lorelai: Do you know him?
Rory: (answering quickly) No.
Lorelai: No?
Rory: Well, he goes to my old school, so i see him there sometimes...but um...I go to Chilton now.
Lorelai: Thanks for the update. (Lorelai walks away)
Rory: You're welcome.

(About the bake sale)
Max: Very Henry VIII.
Lorelai: Well we're not into subtle.
Max: Good to see you, Lorelai.
Lorelai: Oh, good to see you, Mr. Medina.
Max: Max.
Lorelai: Mr. Medina.
Max: Max.
Lorelai: Mr. Medina, meet Sookie, the chef at the Inn. Sookie, Mr. Medina.
Sookie: What's the name again?
Lorelai: Mr. Medina.
Sookie: I know, you've said it like a zillion times.