Carter: They're getting divorced.
Max: You don't know that.
Carter: Yes I do.
Max: Nothing's certain.
Carter: This is all my fault. I should have made him go to Elizabeth sooner.
Max: It's not your fault.
Carter: What'd you think when your parents got divorced?
Max: I thought it was my fault. Look, maybe they'll break up, maybe they won't, but it's not yours to fix.
Carter: No. I can fix this.
Max: I do love your enthusiasm.

Carter: Tell me the truth. Was there something between you and Lori?
David: Yes. Yes, there was.

Max: Taylor, we are different, but that's what makes us great.
Taylor: Maybe, but maybe not.

Taylor: What is wrong with you?
Max: Nothing is wrong with me! I just don't want to be defined by the worst thing that ever happened to me.

Taylor: You saw Crash?
Carter: He didn't stay. Gabe punched him! And, also...I don't love him.

Look, I've got one parent who's a jock and one who's a brainiac, but they're great together. You don't have to be alike to be in love.


You have to trust me on this. This is not your burden to carry.


Bird: So what, she was in cahoots with someone and they kidnapped you together?
Carter: Maybe, yeah.

You're the only mother Taylor's every had. You're the only mother Carter wants. Nothing that woman says can ever change that.


Honey, nobody thinks anything that goes on in this family is even remotely normal.


[whispering] I couldn't get pregnant.


Carter: Well, we're all here. Now you can go ahead and tell us what was so important that you had to kidnap me.
Taylor: Again.
Carter: Again.

  • Permalink: Again.
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Finding Carter Season 2 Quotes

Carter: You drugged me.
Lori: I know baby, I'm sorry. I had to.

Max: I made a really big mistake, breaking us up. I was going through a lot.
Taylor: That will happen when someone shoots you.
Max: Yeah, but I don't want to be apart. We had a really great thing going and I think we should have it again, now, if that's OK.