She was hot. Can't justify it. Just saying.

Uncle Stavros [on Rie]

Dion: Tommy hates me.
Uncle Stavros: Hate, love -- that's family.

Fun fact, I am the only person in New York who does not like kale.


He's got four plates to go. He's pacing himself. Relax.

Tommy [to Dion]

Do you know how many times you made me suck it up and talk to my dad? It's your turn, buddy. Eyes on the prize.

Tommy, to Dion

Dion: Tommy and me are opening up a restaurant in the Bronx.
Dante: The Bronx? Why not Fallujah?

Maybe if I had a vagina you could have screwed your way to get me up to the Bronx. But, I have a penis.


Tommy: What's that, you're friends with Patrick Woichik now?
Dion: No, he just wanted to wish me luck on our new venture.
Tommy: Was he being ironic?

A good knife can last your whole life. Your mom taught me that. Her knives were always immaculate.

Dion, to TJ

As sort of a father, I'd say it's not the worst, you know? To be a dad?

Stavros, to Dion

Opening a restaurant in the Bronx takes good old-fashioned New York moxie.

Reporter Mary Sue White

Really? Your reaction to getting someone pregnant is to snort some cocaine?

Tommy, to Dion

Feed the Beast Quotes

No, you’re the only single parent whose son witnessed his mother get killed in a hit and run and who hasn’t spoken since.

School Counselor [to Tommy]

Tommy: So, were you in the one prison without a weight room?
Dion: Don't worry, I'll still kick your ass.