Brian, keys. Chris, beer. Meg, ugly!


Meg: Oh my god that's so disturbing.
Chris: I know, gross!
Brian: Yeah, my hearing's a lot better so I hear like, suction and stuff.

Okay, who replaced my glasses with forks? I mean, they're really good for seeing forks, but not for much else.


Brian: And somebody replaced Meg's sleeping pills with Alka-Seltzer.
Meg: People are going to miss me when I [long burp].

Brian: Alright, very funny, Stewie. You replaced my Jack Daniel's with flat Diet Coke.
Stewie: No I didn't! And you're noticing this at 8:20 in the morning? What has happened to your life? Do you need to talk?

What's going on, Mom's acting interesting like a 20-year-old!


Stewie: No, that's great, actually because, now anyone walking behind you will know you had 60 dollars.
Peter: Whoa, that is awesome, Lois! Your bum looks like an NBA star's arm! Except it's not paying someone to install a Playstation in a car.

Lois: You guys shouldn't have done this!
Stewie: Hey, any time you can celebrate the end of someone's periods.

Chris: Dad, how did you get Mom out of the house so we could decorate?
Peter: Well Chris, I constructed a very elaborate fake grocery store.

Nice throw, Casey Anthony.


Family Guy Season 11 Episode 6 Quotes

Chris: Dad, how did you get Mom out of the house so we could decorate?
Peter: Well Chris, I constructed a very elaborate fake grocery store.

Nice throw, Casey Anthony.
