Ari: Now take a good look at [Andrew]. Alright. Now what do you see in him, that you don't see in yourself?
Lloyd: I don't know...
Ari: A purpose. Now call your mother and tell her you don't have one

Ari: Lunch?
Andrew: Great!
Ari [to Lloyd]: Slave! Call the Grill and tell them we're on our way

Ari: Where are the bottles?
Lloyd: You said you wanted to be more green.
Ari: That was because Leo was in earshot.

Craig: Hi mister Gold! I'm Craig. HR sent me down here to fill in for Lloyd.
Ari: Great.
Craig: Yeah, I really look forward to helping you out. Uh.. Do you know when he'll be back?
Ari: You want the truth?
Craig: Sure.
Ari: He won't. I killed him. I shot him and I buried him beneath my desk. Any more questions?
Craig: No.
Ari: Good. Now get out of here before I kill you too.

Get back together? I'd fuck Hammas before I'd fuck you again!


Drama: Is this guy Masad or what?
Turtle: Aren't all Israelis?

Slaon is all powerful... she stops him from getting pussy and won't give him any


Maybe tomorrow you could go get Christian Bale?
And we could let him execute a cinematographer if he wants

Murray Berenson

Eric: How are you Bob?
Bob Saget [about girlfriend]: I'm almost as good as she looks but not nearly as good as she tastes
Girlfriend: Aww, you're so sweet Bob

Scotty: Every time you turn around, any time, any place, you will be look at this
Bob Saget: That's just what I want to look at when I'm sniffing a line of blow off her ass. Your fucking face.

Very few guys get that have a "Free Piece of Pussy" pass, and you my friend, have it!

Ari [to Andrew]

Ari: What are you doing buddy?
Jonah: I'm waking you up with my mind!
Ari: Good work!

Entourage Season 6 Quotes

You're never going to be in a relationship as long as you're living in a frat house

Sloan [to Eric]

Pussy can smell other pussy and they have to pounce on it. That's why when you're on a hot streak you go to press it. Just like in blackjack.
