You know, I could do this alone. You get caught, you lose your job. I get caught, I get promoted.


Benny: Why won't you let me talk to the girl? She's different, isn't she? She can do things other people can't do, things she shouldn't be able to do. Augur Industries have started investing in very expensive medical research. And that's what I'd started to hear about -- rumors that Kindred had begun a division using humans as test subjects.
Jo: What kind of tests?
Benny: Ones that might allow a young girl to miraculously survive a plane crash, a plane that I believe belonged to Kindred.

Suspect: You can't do this. You're going to get me killed.
Jo: No, you're going to get yourself killed.

Jo: I found the man who was in the house today. He won't be back.
Piper: Why?
Jo: His face got... broken.
Piper: Oh.

Jo: I think I made a mistake.
Ed: What, how so?
Jo: She loves it here.
Ed: Yeah, she's a pretty happy kid.
Jo: Maybe too happy. Maybe she's so happy that if she does remember something she's not going to tell us.

Benny: So, you planning to find out whoever is on the other side of that radio?
Jo: No, I plan to use it as a paperweight.

Benny Gallagher: I know what the report is going to say. They're going to say it was an unmanned drone. Monitoring pollution. Mapping forests. Some rubbish like that.
Jo: How do you know that?
Benny: I have sources. Sources that you don't have. You and I can share information.
Jo: I doubt very much that you'd have any information that I'd want.

Jo: Those people, they're gone. Forever. Okay? And they can't ever get to you again.
Piper: I know.

Jo: I'm not, I'm not putting her in the system. I'm keeping her with me, which is very much not legal. And I'm going to ask you to do something equally illegal and keep it to yourself.
Chris: Done. Easy. Don't even worry about it.
Jo: Thanks, Chris.

Ed: Piper? Piper! Did you forget your new name already?
Piper: Oh, I didn't hear you, sorry.

Emergence Quotes

Benny Gallagher: I know what the report is going to say. They're going to say it was an unmanned drone. Monitoring pollution. Mapping forests. Some rubbish like that.
Jo: How do you know that?
Benny: I have sources. Sources that you don't have. You and I can share information.
Jo: I doubt very much that you'd have any information that I'd want.

Ed: Piper? Piper! Did you forget your new name already?
Piper: Oh, I didn't hear you, sorry.