You all look so incredible. I wish I had a better fashion sense, but, you know, my knees.


Nadine: no, it can't be. It was Ezra? Someone killed Ezra?
Matteo: Can you believe this is happening on your final appearance?
Nadine: That doesn't matter now.

Nick: Backstage is chaos before the show. There's no way to know who was where at any given moment.
Nadine: Which works out well for designers who like to screw the models.
Nick: Why are you still wearing that? Just because your career is over doesn't mean you have to trash mine.
Nadine: Oh, yes. This is going to be a huge seller at Talbot's.

Elsbeth: I was just doing my best to support the department according to the Consent Decree.
Wagner: The Consent Decree? I thought that was a ruse to hide what you were really doing which was investigating me?

Nadine: You asked me questions yesterday and I wasn't completely honest. I wasn't myself and not just because I was made up like a melting glacier.
Donnelly: Oh, that's what that was.

I believe strongly in kindness and second chances. Also, in the healing power of the sun and certain textiles.


Okay, you let us do the police thing based on evidence. You do the cozy-up to the suspect thing. I don't respect it, but it works.


It's that odd woman with the police. Oh, she's funny. Let her in.


Elsbeth: You like what you see there, sailor?
Matteo: Has anyone ever said you have a singular style?

Donnelly: But where did he get the gun?
Nadine: Well, I can't figure out everything for you, can I?

Matteo: I'd given some assignment exploring different cultural modes of fashion. They took it upon themselves to produce this elaborate pictorial with Nadine made up completely as different ethnicities from all around the world.
Elsbeth: You mean?
Matteo: Oh, yes. Black face, yellow face, red face. Each more offensive than the last.

I suppose it will be a fitting finale to my time here in New York.


Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Nadine: no, it can't be. It was Ezra? Someone killed Ezra?
Matteo: Can you believe this is happening on your final appearance?
Nadine: That doesn't matter now.

You all look so incredible. I wish I had a better fashion sense, but, you know, my knees.
